ePP/DS Customisation

Implementation of ePP/DS

When supporting ePP/DS customers and during the introduction of ePP/DS in projects, ITeanova pays particular attention to:

  • Thorough analysis of the supply chain processes and scenarios and the resulting requirements.
  • Explanation of how the ePP/DS "ticks", i.e. the client must understand the basic principles of the ePP/DS solution, but also its limitations.
  • Fully exploit the standard possibilities of ePP/DS via customizing, also using best-practice knowledge and solutions where possible
  • Idea generation and conceptualization of add-ons to cover the "last 10%" (ITeanova's experience) of requirements not included in the standard and to make the customer happy.

This results in the crucial point of ideally combining the ePP/DS standard (customizing as delivered), additional customizing settings and add-ons (BADIs and new functions/transactions/apps).

The following considerations apply to this and to our procedure for an ePP/DS introduction:

Standard and customization/personalization: In principle, SAP offers comprehensive standardized software solutions for companies that optimize business processes, improve efficiency, and deliver real-time insights.

However, the SAP standard, the standard version of these software solutions, is not a "one size fits all" solution. Especially in the area of supply chain and production, the processes are so diverse, rich in variants and often individual that adaptations are essential to achieve the goals. Adaptations here are the full use of customizing, which then go far beyond the "best practice" standard delivery.

This applies to the ePP/DS introductions and projects. For example, for automated planning in a production area, the customer can choose from the following options depending on the complexity of your requirements:

  • a heuristic with default settings
  • a heuristic with adapted customizing
  • a heuristic enhanced by coding adaptations or
  • an optimization method (BADIs are also possible here to expand).

This is already one of the most important keys to the success of your ePP/DS project.

At ITeanova we know the different planning processes. We know heuristics and we know how to improve them. We know optimization and we know the differences between the two. We analyze your requirements, understand the complexity, and enable you to make informed decisions about the appropriate planning method.

ITeanova has the expertise to choose the right planning process for you. The choice between heuristics and optimization, in standard or their extension, always depends on the specific problem. This includes time constraints, available computational resources and the precision required in decision making. Sometimes a combination of both approaches is needed to find a balance between speed and optimality.

In our experience, customization is an exciting challenge in SAP projects, and the pure SAP standard does not always deliver. While we try to optimize processes by using the standard wherever possible, our clients also appreciate that we adjust where necessary to improve their operational processes.

In summary, we use the standard wherever possible. However, sometimes it is necessary to take an extra step when we know there is no other way and when it is beneficial for the clients. We always have the user's requirements in mind and together we find the optimal solution for your needs.

Our procedure for ePP/DS projects in individual steps:

Requirements analysis:

The first step is to thoroughly analyze and discuss with the customer the specific business requirements that are critical to the success of the project.

Decades of experience in the SAP world have given us a deep understanding of both the SAP infrastructure and the needs of manufacturing companies. This gives us the ability to advise our clients on how best to use SAP and where there is potential through enhancements. Our consultants are experienced professionals and experts in their respective fields and work closely with your company's stakeholders to understand, analyze and document their needs.

GAP analysis and solution definition/specification:

Our next step is to collect the requirements and match them with possibilities of the SAP standard. Our goal is to identify the gaps between the real business processes and scenarios and the SAP standard.

The result is a detailed gap analysis and a specification of the solution approaches.


Once our solutions have been accepted by the client, or customized together, the implementation of the solution starts. ITeanova maintains a close collaboration with the customer at every stage of the project, from design to implementation, putting the customer at the center. The agile iterative approach ensures that customer feedback is incorporated into the solution at regular intervals.

Prototype construction, testing and documentation:

Building prototypes relevant to the customer scenarios, testing them, and documenting them in all project phases are crucial to ensure that the customized solutions meet the business requirements and that no problems arise in the SAP environment. This includes unit testing, integration testing and user acceptance testing (UAT). Proper documentation of solution approaches, standard settings used, and custom developments is essential for future maintenance and possible enhancements. This includes technical documentation, functional specifications, and user manuals.

Maintenance and support:

Custom-built solutions require ongoing maintenance and support to fix problems, apply patches and upgrade as business needs change.


All our solutions are compatible with and implemented using the latest SAP development technology, this includes e.g. the following tools: ABAP, Fiori RAP framework, UI5, Odata and HANA stored procedures, Adobe Forms).

We are very familiar with the logistics (SCM) application world and have extensive expertise in the modules: SD, MM, PP, WM, EWM, PM, QM, CS, IBP, aATP and PP/DS.

Learn more about the integration of the RAPID production planning cockpit "PPC" in S/4HANA embedded PP/DS

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